
Surface properties are considered to be important factors in addressing proper functionalities. In this paper, a multifunctional mussel-inspired coating was prepared via the direct copolymerization of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and arginine. The coating formation was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectra. The EGCG/arginine coating contained diverse functional groups like amines, phenols and carboxyls, whose densities were also tunable. Such mussel-inspired coating could also be applied as an ad-layer for its secondary reactivity, demonstrated by quartz crystal microbalance technique. Moreover, the tunable surface density of phenols showed potential ability in modulating endothelial cell and smooth muscle cell viability. The coatings rich in phenols presented excellent free radical scavenging property. Current results strongly indicated the potential of EGCG/arginine coatings to be applied as an ad-layer for vascular materials.


Rifang Luo,Linlin Tang,Lingxia Xie,Jin Wang,Nan Huang,Yunbing Wang.


Regenerative Biomaterials,247-255(2016)
