
Ni 80 Fe 20 films with a thickness of 40–17002nm were sputter-deposited on HCl-doped polyaniline (HCl-PANI) substrates at 30002K, forming the Ni 80 Fe 20 /HCl-PANI composites. In order to study the electrical transport property of the composite, a temperature dependence of the resistance (R–T) within 2–29002K was measured from the film surface and from the substrate back surface, respectively. The R–T curve measured from the film surface is very different from that measured from the substrate back surface. With the increase of temperature, the former exhibits the transition from almost temperature-independent region to semiconducting region whereas the latter shows a decrease of resistance. The transition temperature increases with increasing film thickness. The composite shows the temperature-independent feature below the transition temperature and the semiconducting feature over the transition temperature. Furthermore, for the R–T curve measured from the substrate back surface, the resistance of the composite is smaller than that of the HCl-PANI. With the increase of film thickness, it decreases and trends to be stable. The interface layer between the film and the substrate plays an important role in the electrical property of the composite.


Shanshan Xu,Jiahuan Yan,Zhe Feng,Suiyu Qiu,Fuhui Shao,Mingxuan Li,Mingpeng Yu,Hong Qiu.


Thin Solid Films,608,44-49(2016)
