
Preanodized screen printed carbon electrode (SPCE) has been utilized for the detection of propofol. Here the preanodized SPCE possess the specific functional groups which help the detection and determination of propofol. The proposed SPCE shows a clear oxidation peak for the detection of propofol in pH027.0 phosphate buffer solutions. Interestingly, it shows a well-defined individual oxidation peak for the detection of propofol in the presence interferences (mixture of ascorbic acid, dopamine, and uric acid). This type of pretreated SPCE successfully enhances the electrooxidation current and overcomes the interference effects and clearly exhibits the signals for the propofol detection using cyclic voltammetry and flow injection analysis techniques. The preanodized SPCE shows the electrooxidation signals for the propofol detection in the linear range of 0.09 to 0.9002μM, respectively. Further, the sensitivity of the proposed electrode for the propofol detection is found to be 3.602μA02μM 611 .


Soundappan Thiagarajan,Ching-Yi Cheng,Shen-Ming Chen and Tsung-Hsuan Tsai.


Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,15,4,781-786(2010)
