
Herein we develop a facile strategy for
fabricating nickel particle encapsulated in few-layer nitrogendoped
graphene supported by graphite carbon sheets as a highperformance
electromagnetic wave (EMW) absorbing material.
The obtained material exhibits sheetlike morphology with a
lateral length ranging from a hundred nanometers to 2 μm and
a thickness of about 23 nm. Nickel nanoparticles with a
diameter of approximately 20 nm were encapsulated in about
six layers of nitrogen-doped graphene. As applied for
electromagnetic absorbing material, the heteronanostructures
exhibit excellent electromagnetic wave absorption property,
comparable to most EMW absorbing materials previously
reported. Typically, the effective absorption bandwidth (the frequency region falls within the reflection loss below ?10 dB) is up
to 8.5 GHz at the thicknesses of 3.0 mm for the heteronanostructures with the optimized Ni content. Furthermore, two
processes, carbonization at a high temperature and subsequent treatment in hot acid solution, were involved in the preparation of
the heteronanostructures, and thus, mass production was achieved easily, facilitating their practical applications.


Haoran Yuan,Feng Yan,Chunyan Li,Chunling Zhu,Xitian Zhang,and Yujin Chen.


ACS Appl.Mater.Interfaces
