
In the AFM based nanomanipulation, the main
problem is the lack of real-time sensory feedback for an
operator, which makes the manipulation almiost in the dark and
inefficient. For solving this problem, the AFM probe micro
cantilever-tip is used not only as an end effector but also as a 3D
nano forces sensor for sensing the inter:active nano forces
between the AFM probe tip and the object or substrate in
nanomanipulation. In addition, for a sample-scanning AFM
even with a strain gauge position feedback sensor for x-y
close-loop displacement control of sample stage, scanning size
error will still be generated, which is destructive to lateral
positioning accuracy of AFM probe. For improving probe lateral
positioning accuracy, an error compensating method is adopted
according to system error quantitative annlysis based on the
authors’ previous work. With 3D nano force:s sensing through a
hapticlforce device and probe positioning acciuracy improvement,
the efficiency and accuracy of nano manipulation can be
significantly improved. Experiments are prewnted to verify the
effectiveness of the nanomanipulation system. ’


Xiaojun Tian,Niandong Jiao,Lianqing Liu,Yuechao Wang,Zaili Dong,Ning Xi,Wenjun Li.


Proceedings Of The 2004 International Conference On Intelligent Mechatronics And Automation,18-22(2004)
