Functional silver-polypropylene nanocomposite fibers are prepared?using melt-compounding and sputter coating techniques. The functional nanostructures?formed on the fiber surfaces are characterized by Atomic force microscopy.
The Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy equipped with an energy?dispersive X-ray analysis system is employed to examine the chemical compositions?of the nanocomposite fibers. It is found that incorporating the silver nanoparticles
by melt-compounding caused severe aggregation of the nanoparticles at the?polypropylene fiber surface. By contrast, the coverage of the sputter coated fiber?surfaces is much more consistent. The anti-bacterial properties of the nanocomposite
fibers are also investigated and compared. The antibacterial tests revealed the better?performance of silver sputter coated fibers.
Qufu Wei,Dan Tao,Bingyao Deng,and Fenglin Huang
Journal of Industrial Textiles