
prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis on glass substrate at 340C,where x = 0 and 0.2. CZCTS is considered sa one of the most promising light absorbing material for low cost and high efficiency thin film solar cell. X-ray diffraction characterization results reveal that the layer is indexed to a multi phase polycrystalline with preferred orientation on the (112),(220),(312) planes thereby confirming the kesterite structure of Cu 2ZnSnS 4.AFM morphology analysis by atomic force microscopy reveals that the grain size of the prepared thin film is approximately (90)nm,with a surface roughness of (1.96,1.85)nm and root mean square of (2.33,2.25)nm for x=0 and 0.2. the direct energy gap (E g) in (1.7)eV and (1.66) for x=0 and 0.2, respectively, is measured by UV-vis spectrophotometry, and these values are close to the optimum value for semiconductor materials as an absorber in solar cells.


Hamid S.Al-Jumaili,Abubaker.S.Mohammed.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering,3,9,39-43(2013)
