
In order to describe directly interphase properties of composite, force modulation of atomic force microscopy is adopted to study the cross-section of unidirectional carbon fiber/epoxy composites systematically. Research results indicate that in force modulation mode of AFM, relative stiffness of various phases distinct in distribution, which is described by probability histogram of relative stiffness. By comparison of probability histogram of relative stiffness nearby interphase of untreated and oxidation treated by ozone composites, the relative stiffness change oxidation treated one is more obviously to be found than the one untreated. Indirect show that obvious interphase formed by oxidation treatment. This method plays a valuable role in assessment of interphase strength of carbon fiber/epoxy, as well as in instruction composite production technology.


Hao Xue,Hongjun Fu.


Advanced Materials Research,602-604,53-56(2013)
