
In our research, graphene powder was prepared by electrochemical exfoliation of graphite electrodes immersed in electrolyte solution of a sulfuric acid, nitric acid and distilled water (H 2 SO 4 /HNO 3 /H 2 O) with applied +1002V for 5002min. Graphene powder was characterized by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, AFM, SEM, and FTIR to investigate the structural, morphological, and chemical properties. The XRD analysis was showed polycrystalline structure of graphene with sharp peak at 2 θ =0226.61 and broad peak at 2 θ =0254.68 along (002) and (004) orientation respectively which was consistent with the interlayer spacing of normal graphite. Raman spectrum was demonstrated two intensive peaks at 158002cm 611 and 135402cm 611 for I G and I D confirmed with graphitic carbon-based materials. The AFM and SEM were exhibited the morphology of graphene powder has different shapes and sizes with a few agglomerates of crumpled and rippled structure. FTIR spectrum showed an absorption band at 1643.4102cm 611 assigned to the C C stretching vibration of the hexagonal ring also there were oxygen-containing functional groups such as C O and O H.


Raneen Imad Jibrael,Mustafa K.A.Mohammed.


Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,127:16,6384-6389(2016)
