
The MnO2-PEDOT hybrid film had been successfully constructed on electrode surface by cyclic voltammetry. This composite was surface-confined on electrode surface. The MnO2-PEDOT hybrid film was found to be electrochemically active and stable in pH 7 PBS solution. Morphology study of MnO2-PEDOT film (3307 nm×3307 nm) was found as the roughness average (Ra) of 7.04 nm, the root mean square roughness (RRMS) of 9.04 nm, The positive skewness value (0.04) obtained for the MnO2-PEDOT film showed that the surface comprised of disproportionate number of peaks which indicated that the MnO2 particles were unevenly allocated on the GCE surface. A centrally distributed surface had a kurtosis value greater than 3. In this film, the kurtosis value was found as 3.44. The maximum number of MnO2 particles had been found in the size range of 258 nm. The electron transfer was a slow process at the MnO2-PEDOT film modified GCE. The proposed composite showed lower over-potential and higher current response to memantine and hydrogen peroxide as compared with bare electrode. The electrocatalytic oxidation current to memantine and hydrogen peroxide was found linearly in the range of 20–100 μM and 10-140 μM. The linear regressed equation can be expressed as Ipa(μA) = 0.019C(μM) + 0.543 and Ipa (μA) = 18C(μM) + 1.698 for memantine and hydrogen peroxide, respectively.


Zhi-Yuan Wu,Soundappan Thiagarajan,Shen-Ming Chen,Kuo-Chiang Lin


