Self-limiting deposition of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) thin films were accomplished by the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor?deposition using trimethyl aluminum (TMA) and O2 as precursor and oxidant, respectively, where argon was kept flowing in?whole deposition process as discharge and purge gas. In here we present a novel plasma source for the atomic layer deposition?technology, magnetized radio frequency (RF) plasma. Difference from the commercial RF source, magnetic coils were amounted?above the RF electrode, and the influence of the magnetic field strength on the deposition rate and morphology are investigated in?detail. It concludes that a more than 3 ?/ purging cycle deposition rate and the good quality of ALD Al2O3 were achieved in this?plasma source even without extra heating. The ultra-thin films were characterized by including Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)?spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectric spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy?(AFM). The high deposition rates obtained at ambient temperatures were analyzed after in-situ the diagnostic of plasmas by?Langmuir probe
Xingcun Li,Qiang Chen,Lijun Sang,Lizhen Yang,Zhongwei Liu and Zhenduo Wang
Physics Procedia