
In this paper, we reported the study of Cd1-xZnxS thin film which have been deposited on glass substrates by Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD ) technique by using Cadmium sulphate, Zinc sulphate, thiourea, Ammonia and EDTA. The thickness of Cd0.5Zn0.5S thin films with different deposition times, pH, and temperature are also study and show increase with increasing times pH, and temperature. The optimum condition to prepared Cd0.5Zn0.5S thin films were obtained in times 3h, temperature 80 oC, and pH 10. Structure and surface morphology of Cd1-xZnxS thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force microscope (AFM), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Measurements. The XRD indicates that all the grown films show only one diffraction peak located at (2θ= 26.7°) with hexagonal structure in predominant (002). The average grain size changes from 9.3nm to 4.48nm with the increase in zinc content (x = 0 to 0.65). It was found that as the zinc content increases, the peak intensity decreases and for (x ≥ 0.7) the films have amorphous character. The values of lattice constant ‘a(chǎn)’ and ‘ c’ have been observed to vary with composition from 5.75 nm to 4.68 nm and 6.66 nm to 6.62 nm, respectively, with the increase in zinc content (x = 0 - 0.65). The AFM studies showed that the smooth surface texture was observed in the deposited Cd1-xZnxS films with x= 0.3, the surface roughness of the Cd1-xZnxS thin films is about 2.66nm to 9.47nm and the root mean square (RMS) is about 3.41nm to 11.9nm with increase in zinc content x = 0.3 to 0.6. The SEM exhibits that grains in the film are distributed to cover the surface of the substrate completely, the grains become small in diameters with increasing Zn-contents.


Dr.Selma M.H.Al-Jawad,Fadheela H.Alioy.


