Polynuclear mixed-valent films of cobalt oxide and cobalt hexacyanoferrate (CoOCoHCF) have been deposited on electrode surfaces from a solution of Co2+ and Fe(CN)63? ions by repetitive potential cycling method. Simultaneous cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements demonstrate the steady growth of modified film. The effect of type of monovalent cations as well as acidity of the supporting electrolyte on film growth and redox behavior of resulting film was investigated. In pure supporting electrolyte, electrochemical responses of modified electrode resemble with that of a surface immobilized redox couple. The hybrid film electrodes showed electrocatalytic activity toward oxidation of NADH, hydrazine and hydroxylamine. The feasibility of using our modified electrodes for analytical application was also explored.
Shen-Ming Chen,Ming-Huei Wu,R.Thangamuthu.