
Nano ceramics possessed ascendant mechanical property and physical characteristics
contrast with engineering ceramics, so it has extensive application prospect in various industries.
On the basis of applying the indentation fracture mechanics to analyze the removal mechanics of
ceramic material, this paper analyzed the critical ductile grinding depth of the nano ZrO2 ceramics.
Adopting ultrasonic composite processing we describe the influence of different processing
parameters and grain size of diamond wheel on the grinding forces and surface roughness. Based on
the grinding forces and surface roughness the grinding process with and without vibration is
analyzed. By means of SEM and AFM the surface character and critical ductile grinding depth of
nano ZrO2 ceramics are also discussed. The paper supplied the theoretical and experimental basis
for the grinding of the large-sized ultraprecision plate structure of nano ZrO2 ceramics (nm).


Bo Zhao,X.H. Zhang,C.S. Liu,Feng Jiao,Xun Sheng Zhu.


Key Engineering Materials,291-292,45-50(2005)
