Based on impulse theories and indentation fracture mechanics, the motion model of the?contact between abrasive particle and workpiece in workpiece two-dimension ultrasonic vibration?grinding (WTDUVG) was analyzed, and the critical condition of ultrasonic vibration grinding?brittle-ductile transition was analyzed theoretically, furthermore the critical cutting depths of a grain?under different grinding conditions were obtained by Matlab programs. In this work, the ultrasonic
vibration and conventional diamond grinding of Al2O3/ZrO2 nanoceramics were performed in order?to investigate the effect of workpiece ultrasonic vibration on the brittle-ductile transition?mechanism, the effect of grit size, worktable speed and grinding depth on the critical depth of cut?were studied by grinding experiments. the micro-topography of the grinding surface was observed?by AFM and SEM. Experiment indicated that only when the grinding depth less than critical
grinding depth, ductile regime grinding of ceramics can be realized, the appropriate grinding?parameter on surface finish are suggested
Yan Wu,Bo Zhao,Xun Sheng Zhu
Key Engineering Materials