
SnS :Ag t hin f ilms we re dep osited on I TO by p ulse elect ro2dep osition. They were cha racte rized wit h X2ray dif2
f raction sp ect roscop y and at omic f orce microscope . The as2dep osited f ilms have a new p hase (Ag8SnS6 ) wit h good crystalli2?zation and big grain size . The conductivity of t he f ilms was measured by p hot oelect rochemical test . It is p roved t hat t he?SnS :Ag f ilms are p2type of semiconduct or . Hall measurement shows t hat t he ca r rie r concent ration of t he f ilms increases ,?while t hei r resistivity decreases af te r Ag2doping.


Yang Yongli and Cheng Shuying


Journal of Semiconductors
