Calcium lignosulphonate was used to synthesize a spherical lignosulphonate resin in a cheap and?non-toxic disperse medium by reversed phase suspension polymerization. The process conditions were optimized?by orthogonal experiments. Under the optimal conditions (T??95??C, cHCl??3 mol??L??1, mHCHO??mCLS??7%, wCLS???50%), globulation took about 20 min and the product was featured with excellent spherical shape, narrow particle?size range, 61.20% of water retention capacity, 0.83 mmol??ml??1 of total volume exchange capacity and 3.46 mmol??g??1?of total exchange capacity. The results of Scanning Electron Micrograph and Scanning Probe Micrograph indicate?that spherical lignosulphonate resin has a rugged surface with porous microstructure in the gel skeleton. The average?pore size of dry samples was determined to be 10.46 nm by the BET method
Fan Juan And Zhan Huaiyu
Chinese Journal Of Chemical Engineering