
fOfilms were sputter deposited under varying substrate temperatures () and their structural and morphological characteristics, optical properties were systematically studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscope (AFM), and UV/VIS spectrophotometry. A statistical analysis based on multifractal formalism shows the uniformity of the height distribution increases as is increased and the widths Δof multifractal spetra are related to the average grain size as Δ65 []. The monoclinic HfOis highly oriented along (-111) direction with increasing . The Lattice expansion increases with diminishing HfOcrystalline size below 7 nm while maximum lattice expansion occurs with highly oriented monoclinic HfOof crystalline size about 14.8 nm. The film growth process at ≥ 200°C with surface diffusion energy of 65 0.29 eV is evident from the structural analysis of HfOfilms.


Zhi Li,Chun Yu Ma,Qing Yu Zhang.


Advanced Materials Research,1053,343-350(2014)
