
Braided and biodegradable polyglycolide suture was antibacterially functionalised with N-halamines via layer-by-layer assembly technique. Multilayers of chitosan (polycation) and poly-sodium-p-styrenesulfonate (polyanion) were successfully coated via electrostatic assembly, followed by top layer of chitosan on polyglycolide suture. Upon chlorination of coated suture with dilute sodium hypochlorite solution, the amino groups of chitosan were transformed into N-halamine structures. The transformation was assessed by iodometric/thiosulfate titration, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimeter analysis. The surface morphology of coated suture was observed by scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope. Chlorine loading, antibacterial efficacy and tensile strength of chlorinated sutures treated with two different molecular weights of chitosan were compared and evaluated. A general trend of linear increase in chlorine loadings of sutures with the increase in number of layers and solution concentration was found. The chlorinated suture with high molecular weight chitosan coating completely inactivated both Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria within 15 min of contact time. The 3T3 mouse fibroblasts in vitro cell cytocompatibility studies demonstrated that antibacterial sutures have fairly good biocompatibility.


Malik Muhammad Umair,Zhiming Jiang,Naseeb Ullah,Waseem Safdar,Zhiwei Xie,Xuehong Ren.


Journal of Industrial Textiles,46(1)59-74(2016)
