
Multi-Functions SPM System:Lithography Mode and Vector Scan Mode,Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM) / Electric Force Microscope (EFM),Environmental Control SPM,Nano-Processing.
High quality,Low Price AFM probes.
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AFM, STM, MFM/EFM, Conductive AFM, SPM in liquid, Environmental control SPM, Nano-processing...
High performance, Low price, Multi-function, and Easy Operation
OpenSys system is a platform for unconventional experiments or further second developments.

under construction

AFM Probes, Calibration Standards, Optical Microscope System and Vibration Isolation systems
Magnetic Force Microscope(MFM) And Electric Force Microscope(EFM).
Temperature and humidity Sensors are embedded in CSPM5500 system,monitor by LED.
A TipHolder-Liquid Cell system can be employed in CSPM5500 by which SPM in liquid can be achieved.